Like most people, you’re probably thinking more along the lines of, how many treats should I buy? How many trick or treaters will I have? Will my house get toilet papered? Not specifically what do I need to do to insure my dog has a safe Halloween night?
We get it….people think the dog will be okay if we put him outside, or my dog is friendly and would never do anything, OR my dog will never eat those chocolate treats! But it takes a boo-second to get into hot water! Here are some tips for keeping your dog extra safe on a spooktacular night!
- Walk your dog well before the trick o’ treaters are due to appear! Check your local trick or treat start time and make sure you are back home from your walk well in advance of any goblins seeking candy! Remember while your dog may love children…they may not love children in scary costumes!
- Find a secure place in your home to leave your dog while you answer the door bell for all the little boys and ghouls out for candy! Make sure your dog has ID on him during the fright night! That way IF they get out you have a good chance of getting them back from the shelter or whoever finds him.
- If you know your dog is protective of the house (and you) all these visitors may make them a tad more nervous than usual. If this is the case consider crating your pet, or putting them in a room where they are far away from the howling crowds until the candy runs out! You should also try to baby gate off the area where your dog is; just to have an added barrier to the front door should someone else in the house decide the dog needs out!
- Keep your dog inside. While it may be tempting to put Fido out of sight of the trick or treaters, it is safer for them inside your house where they will not be taunted, agitated or worse (pet thefts and poisonings are also possible). Plus they will likely bark or howl at all the commotion with the trick or treaters running around the neighborhood.
- Keep your dog away from the candy! Especially make sure that there are no wrappers (dogs can choke on the wrappers or get an intestinal obstruction) on the floor or if your dog likes to surf the trash can; please make sure this is very secure! Also NO Chocolate!! The darker the chocolate the more theobromine! This can cause nerve damage and even death in dogs…the darker the chocolate the more dangerous it is to your dog. SO please NO chocolate for the doggies!
- When your own trick or treaters return, make sure they’re candy loot is secured and the dog cannot get into that either! It’s good to watch out on your walk for a few days after Howl – A – Ween and make sure that no candy is littering your usual dog route! It takes a nano second for your dog to slurp up a wrapper or piece of candy someone dropped.
- If you do dress up your dog for Howl – A – Ween make sure that they are relaxed in the outfit you pick. No rubber bands or choking hazards please! No dangling decoration’s, make sure your dog’s outfit is flame retardant and that they feel safe in it. They’re cute, but nothing is worth jeopardizing your dog’s safety…even for that cute photo op!

So stay safe, be smart, buy your dog appropriate Howl-A-Ween treats (ones made just for canine consumption!) and above all else!!! Have a HAPPY HOWL-A-WEEN!!!!!