Danica was my first transport

The day started at 4:15 am. This is not unusual for me, as I am an early riser (yes I don’t use any alarm and still get up 4-ish in the mornings.) I have just moved back to the east coast from California. I was excited about today because it wasn’t just a regular Saturday […]
Gibs and Aries on their way to training

This was my 1st transport for Doobert.com and I am very well impressed! Leslie confirmed the transport and provided every bit of information I could possibly need (and answered several questions that probably seemed a bit silly) We left early because we didn’t know how long it would take to get over to Donita’s house […]
Mia home for Christmas

Picked up a cutie – Mia – from Casey at 9 a.m., 12/3/2016. This long legged black/white female Chihuahua mix is an absolute doll (thanks to Foster Mom, Casey). Mia was curious and active at first but settled quickly in the seat beside me for a ride – watching out the window some and sleeping […]